Transport & Infrastructure

We have a strong track record, working with government and investors across the country to cost and deliver many transport and related infrastructure projects that provide the contemporary solutions to Australia’s key challenges and significant population growth.

Slattery’s team have the capability, capacity and expertise to advise on a variety of projects, leveraging our expertise from more than 30 years of Australian and international experience in the commercial management of infrastructure projects. Our decision makers can offer current market advice, deliver timely insights and immediately address issues that arise, ensuring potential risks are significantly mitigated. Slattery has developed a strong reputation and is a trusted advisory expert of transport and infrastructure projects for cost and risk.


Wotonga (GSEX) Feeder Station Project

The Wotonga Feeder Station project consists of the design and construction of a new feeder station and two new track sectioning cabins. Slattery carried out a revised independent estimate review on the updated Trackpower Alliance Target Cost Estimate. The team measured the civil works and electrical works at the two ... more


Major Feasibility Studies for Aurizon, WA

Slattery reviewed and reported on concept estimates provided by capital delivery and benchmarked these estimates against current construction rates. The team provided analysis describing the current market and proposed development projects which would have an impact on this $5.5 billion Aurizon rail program of work.