Independent Project Certifier

Project monitoring, reviewing and reporting is essential for buildings constructed under a Development Agreement or PPP agreement. This ensures the delivery of a quality development that accords with all requirements.

We have built an understanding of the rigorous procedural and reporting requirements of the Independent Certifier and Assessor roles. We have a proven track record in providing an impartial service cognisant with stringent client, council, authority and funding requirements and regularly provide independent assessor services. Depending on the requirements of the project brief, the IC Deed and the provisions pursuant to the contract, Slattery typically perform the following role functions under the IC Deed:

  • Site and Progress Inspections
  • Quality Assurance and Compliance
  • Mitigating Conflicts and Disputes
  • Certifying construction works have been successfully completed.
  • Certifying key milestone achievements
  • Reporting against status of completion and issues on the project.
  • Certifying value of Works Complete to Date
  • Completing the Look Ahead test and providing a statement
  • Issuing completion certificates (Separable Portions)
  • Issuing the certificate for Practical Completion / or staged completion

As part of our day-to-day consultancy services, we are engaged on numerous projects as Financier’s Certifier for the purpose of verification of initial reports and monthly financial drawdown reports on a wide range of projects; from small scale high cost housing, through to multi-storey office towers.