Kaizen Papers
Slattery aviation insights: Counting the costs of airside construction
It is widely accepted that “things cost more” in an airside environment. But why do they? The airside operating environment is unique. Airports must take an uncompromising approach to security and safety, ensure operational continuity and meet regulatory obligations. They must build for the future while ensuring a positive experience for passengers today. In our latest Kaizen paper, Slattery provides a cost model that analyses airside versus non-airport projects to pinpoint the source of specific cost drivers and premiums. Our findings reveal key themes that can help clients better comprehend, communicate and potentially reduce project costs.
Slattery benchmarking report: Let’s be upfront about upfront embodied carbon
Australia has an ambitious target to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050. We can’t meet this target without addressing upfront embodied emissions in the built environment.
Slattery embodied carbon: Retrofitting reimagined
Every building has an embodied carbon footprint. As Australia’s development industry begins to measure embodied carbon emissions, the scales are tipping in favour of retrofits.
Slattery Embodied Carbon Benchmarking Report
Change starts with a decision to do things differently – and good decisions are based on trustworthy data. We are excited to announce the release of Slattery's latest market research piece – ‘Slattery embodied carbon benchmarking report.’ Since Slattery’s first upfront embodied carbon benchmarking paper was released in May 2022, embodied carbon is now central to the sustainability conversation.
Embodied carbon: What’s happening globally and why must Australia get ready?
As global regulation shifts gears and more countries begin to measure and manage construction’s embodied carbon emissions, the signposts show Australia what’s ahead on the road to net zero. This paper summarises some of the global trends, regulatory policies and strategies imposed on the construction industry worldwide to combat embodied carbon emissions.
Navigating the risks of construction projects: A guide to project health
By actively promoting best practices and addressing issues early on, troubled projects can be turned around quickly, reducing financial risk for all parties.