
David Martin

“Slattery’s team of engaged, talented and innovative thinkers and practitioners delivers positive, long-lasting outcomes on our clients’ most complex challenges.
We’ve forged enduring partnerships as trusted advisors across the construction industry over many years, and I’m proud to be here supporting Slattery’s next phase of growth.”

David Martin

Slattery is a property and construction advisory firm specialising in early phase advisory, quantity surveying, and carbon planning. Founded in 1976 and fully Australian owned, Slattery’s reputation is built on a commitment to excellence and innovation, which has seen the delivery of over 16,000 unique public and private sector projects.

With offices in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Hobart and Launceston, Slattery’s sector experience spans arts & culture, commercial, education, health & research, residential and transport infrastructure.

We are committed to knowledge leadership, reconciliation, sustainability and achieving great outcomes for the community through the built environment.

Our People

Our people are our greatest asset. We employ highly skilled and motivated individuals who are focused on achieving the most cost efficient solution for our clients.

David Martin
David MartinCEO
Sarah Slattery
Sarah SlatteryDirector, Partnerships and Innovation
Josh Slattery
Josh SlatteryExecutive Chairman
Liam Manning
Liam ManningExecutive Director, NSW
Peter O'Donoghue
Peter O'DonoghueExecutive Director, TAS
Richard Kemp
Richard KempExecutive Director, QLD & WA
Mark Cathie
Mark CathieExecutive Director, VIC
Tom Dean
Tom DeanDirector, Carbon Planning
Susan Mills
Susan MillsHead of Finance
Nika Marsic
Nika MarsicHead of People
Kirsten Trengove
Kirsten TrengoveHead of Communications and Marketing
Michelle Lin
Michelle LinDirector
Anthea Chang
Anthea Chang Director
James Dennis
James DennisDirector
James Doolan
James DoolanDirector
Barry Laycock
Barry LaycockDirector
Stephen Cummins
Stephen CumminsDirector
Sushma Suresh
Sushma SureshDirector
Bernhard Funke
Bernhard FunkeDirector, Project Controls
Stamatia Priskas
Stamatia PriskasDirector
Lyny Sao
Lyny SaoDirector, Infrastructure
Steve Rowe
Steve RoweDirector
Shannon Percy
Shannon PercyDirector
Mathys Olivier
Mathys OlivierDirector
Steven Martindale
Steven MartindaleDirector
Crawford Fulton
Crawford FultonDirector
Gowrishan Sivapathasundaram
Gowrishan SivapathasundaramDirector
James Brookman
James BrookmanDirector
Disney Patterson
Disney PattersonDirector
Margot Nicholas
Margot NicholasNational Practice Manager
Maja Meh
Maja MehSenior Associate
Agnes Tan
Agnes TanSenior Associate
Natalya Partington
Natalya PartingtonCarbon Planning Associate
Anthony Frangi
Anthony FrangiAssociate
Patricia Djojopranoto
Patricia DjojopranotoAssociate
Kim Monks
Kim MonksSenior Associate
Ryan Dow
Ryan DowSenior Associate
Alex Scott
Alex ScottAssociate
Krissy Chin
Krissy ChinAssociate
David Kelly
David KellyAssociate
James Mortensen
James MortensenCarbon Planning Associate
Mahesh Srirama
Mahesh SriramaAssociate
Keith Double
Keith DoubleAssociate
Paul Fung
Paul FungAssociate
Cherian Thomas
Cherian ThomasMEP Associate
Ian Smart
Ian SmartAssociate
David Parry
David ParryAssociate
Melinda Tan
Melinda TanAssociate
Richard Heseltine
Richard HeseltineAssociate
Runil Ganoo
Runil GanooAssociate
Malcolm Wren
Malcolm WrenAssociate
Daniel Hermans
Daniel HermansAssociate

Our Values

Our values are critical in shaping the culture that we work in, enabling us to achieve better outcomes for the community through the built environment. They govern the behaviours and cultures that we recognise and celebrate.

Raise the Bar

  • We strive for excellence
  • We are enthusiastic, committed and passionate about what we do
  • We are inquisitive about how we can do things better and challenge the status quo
  • We are dynamic and focus on finding solutions rather than problems
  • No silos: it’s not their problem or my achievement – we share in each other’s challenges and achievements

Engage with Respect

  • Our success is based on supporting each other’s growth and development and we recognise each other’s achievements
  • We listen intently and with an open mind, debate with empathy and then speak with one voice
  • We understand, respect and support each other’s differences and drivers, both inside and outside of work
  • Everyone plays a vital part in our success

We Value our Clients

  • We go the extra mile for our clients and exceed their expectations on service and value
  • We value the close relationships that we develop with our clients
  • We seek to become the trusted adviser of choice to our clients and an integral part of their team

We acknowledge the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first inhabitants of the nation and the traditional custodians of the lands where we work and live. We pay our respect to Elders, past and present. We are committed to a positive future for the Aboriginal community.

Our Locations

New Business Enquiries
(03) 9602 1313


Level 12, 100 Creek Street
Brisbane QLD 4000

Respectfully working on Jagera and Turrbal land

P (07) 3041 7373
E brisbane@slattery.com.au


Level 2, 7-9 Franklin Wharf
Hobart TAS 7000

Respectfully working on Lutruwita land

P (03) 6285 8410
E hobart@slattery.com.au


Henty House
Level 2, 1 Civic Square
Launceston TAS 7250

Respectfully working on Lutruwita land

P (03) 6285 8410
E launceston@slattery.com.au


Queen and Collins Tower
Level 10, 100 Queen Street
Melbourne VIC 3000

Respectfully working on Wurundjeri land

P (03) 9602 1313
E melbourne@slattery.com.au


Level 32, 152 St Georges Terrace
Perth WA 6000

Respectfully working on Whadjuk land

P (08) 9221 4444


Level 10, 14 Martin Place,
Sydney NSW 2000

Respectfully working on Gadigal land

P (02) 9423 8850


As sustainability is an everchanging space, our aim is simple, a continued commitment to contribute to our people and projects in a positive and impactful way to create the future cities we want to see.

“As the focus on carbon neutrality increases, it is fundamental that embodied carbon costs are captured. Carbon planning ensures we continually optimise both design and sustainable outcomes for our projects.”

Tom Dean
Director, Carbon Planning

Slattery is committed to conducting business in a sustainable manner and strives to regularly identify, review and assess the environmental impacts of our business operations, and to assist our clients in reducing the environmental impact of their projects. We strive to incorporate quality improvements including sustainable solutions into each of our client’s projects.

We have worked on many award-winning projects that have implemented environmentally sustainable design solutions including Green Star, PassivHaus, WELS, WELL and NABERS rating and certification systems. In working with design teams to achieve ESD solutions within a project, Slattery research and price various options to enable good decisions to be made that take into account the value and cost of each design feature; allowing transparent discussion on each initiative’s merit and achieving value for money via an integrated design approach.

This is important for any project, contributing to a leading position for Australia in the global move towards sustainable societies. Slattery will work with clients to further develop sustainability goals and targets for their project and cost assessments of environmental options, allowing them to maximise their sustainability performance.

Slattery has operated a Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory in line with ISO 14064 since 2008. This assists us in targeting reductions in our business emissions per employee. We are currently developing an Environmental Management System (EMS) in line with ISO 14001. Slattery have a carbon reduction strategy in place, and as of FY2022-23 are operating as a carbon neutral business.

Our Carbon Planning Service ensures that embodied carbon is considered and calculated early in the design phase. As sustainability is an everchanging space, our aim is simple; a continued commitment to contribute to our people and projects in a positive and impactful way to create the future cities we want to see.

The focus of the carbon plan will address and educate our clients on the embodied carbon of the various building items/ products/ materials within the development and calculate the total upfront embodied carbon for the project using Global Warming Potential (kg CO2eq) as the unit of measure.